509-508-8399 or parantreekennel@msn.comI got my first Golden in 1980 who became McRae’s Golden Flane CDX Can CD ASCA CD https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=66805
In 1981 I joined the Golden Retriever Club of America where I spent a year as an Information Officer. https://grca.org/
And I also became one of the charter members of the Inland Empire Golden Retriever Club where I am currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer. http://www.inlandempiregrc.com/
Westbourne’s Tom McRae CD (1983)-my first “show” dog and my first “show” points
Leolair’s Freedom O Shalimar CD (1979)
I joined Lilac City Dog Training Club, served as their Director of Training for 3 years and assisted and taught classes for 20 years. https://www.lilaccitydogtrainingclub.com/
UCD Tahnee SwanSun Cadillac Jack CDX CGC ASCA CD (1992)
In 1988 I bred my first litter of SwanSun Golden Retrievers and have had the occasional litter ever since. In addition to the obedience degrees earned by one of the pups, another won her 9-12 puppy class at the Golden Retriever Club Of America National Specialty in 1989. https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=99535
Rimfire SwanSun’s Solar Flare CGC (1985)-winner of 6-9 PB GRCC WRS 1986 at the Expo Shows-mother of my first litter
Can OTCH U-CDX Mirkwood’s Not Quite Right Am UDX (1988)
Swansun Brittania’s Escapade (1988) 1st 9-12 Puppy Bitch-GRCA National Specialty 1989 |
In 2011 I was recognized by the American Kennel Club as an AKC Breeder Of Merit for the many titles earned by 25 SwanSun Golden Retrievers.
INTCh SwanSun’s Patent Pending RN CGC CCA
AKC CH -1, BN-4, CD-9, CDX-3, UD-3, UDX-1, OBHF-1,TD-2, CGC-42, RN-17, RI-4, RA-4, RE-3, RAE-1, CCA-18, TKN-5, TKI-2, FITB-1, FITS-1, NAP-1, NJP-1, NFP-1, NA-2, NAJ-2, OA-2, OAJ-2, AX-1, AXJ-1, SCN-1, SEN-1, SHDN-1, CA-2, STR-5
Other IntCH-19, UCD-4, UCDX-1, UUD-1, ASCA CD-1, Can CD-2, Can CDX-2, Can UD-2, Can OTCH-1, Can OBHF-1, RATI-1
In 2019 I joined Spokane Dog Training Club where I currently serve as the Librarian. https://www.spokanedtc.org/
Dogs of my breeding that have titles recognized for Breeder Of Merit:
Can OTCH UCDX Mirkwood’s Not Quite Right Am UDX (1988)-see above
UUD Swan-Sun’s Country Music Am/Can UD TD AX AXJ VCD2 (1995)
IntCH UCD SwanSun’s True Colors CDX RE CGC CCA (1999)
IntCH UCD SwanSun’s Anticipation CD RE CGC CCA (2000)
SwanSun’s Timber Terror CD CGC (2000)
SwanSun’s Autumn Colors CD RN CGC (2003)
AKC CH Swansun’s Northwest Simcoe CCA (2004)
IntCH SwanSun’s Fire N Rain RA CGC CCA (2004)
Sharmy’s Golden Kadillac CDX CGC (2006)
IntCH SwanSuns Back to the Future RN CGC CCA (2007)
IntCH SwanSun’s True Calling RN CGC CCA (2007)
SwanSun’s You’ve Got A Friend CD (2008)
IntCH SwanSun’s Alien Chaser VCD2 UD BN RAE CA CCA (2009)
Sir Jackson Of River Glen CD BN NAP NJP NFP SCN SEN SHDN (2009)
IntCH SwanSun’s True Treasure RN CGC CCA (2011)
IntCH SwanSun’s Coming Attraction RI CGC CCA RATI (2012)
IntCH Swansun’s Mission Impossible RN STR CGC CCA (2013)
IntCH SwanSun’s Gold Sky At Night RN CGC CCA (2014)
SwanSun’s Sitka Rose BN RI TKI CGC (2014)
IntCH SwanSun’s Last Ascending Treasure RI CGC CCA (2015)
SwanSun’s Mountain Storm CD BN RI ACT1 ACT1J CGC TKN (2018)
IntCH SwanSun’s Solar Storm RI CCA THDA STR CGC TKI (2018)
IntCH SwanSun’s Venusian Treasure RN STR CGC TKI CCA (2018)
SwanSun’s Morningstar RN STR CGC TKI (2021)
SwanSun N Joker’s Legacy To Ransom Creek RI CGC TKI (2022)